Dave Bautista 2025. The story follows gray alys, played by milla jovovich, and her companion boyce, portrayed by dave bautista, on a dangerous mission to the lost lands.the cast also includes arly jover, amara okereke, fraser james, simon lööf and deirdre mullins. The last airbender, the avatar film currently in the works at paramount pictures and nickelodeon studios, has found its leads, variety reports.
The story follows gray alys, played by milla jovovich, and her companion boyce, portrayed by dave bautista, on a dangerous mission to the lost lands.the cast also includes arly jover, amara okereke, fraser james, simon lööf and deirdre mullins. However, all of this could change with the upcoming fantasy movie in the lost lands, which has a confirmed 2025 release date and will star dave bautista and milla jovovich as the warrior boyce and the witch gray alys (via georgerrmartin).